<span class="vcard">Kevin Teague</span>
Kevin Teague

New Dulcimer Tablature Added!

Carl Wagoner has shared his arrangement of Vivaldi’s Lute Concerto in D.

Carl says: “I transcribed and arranged the thematic section of Vivaldi’s Largo Movement from his Lute Concerto in D.”

Get the files here: PDF | TEF | MID

Or visit the Tablature pages for this and hundreds more dulcimer arrangements!

Stay safe and keep on playin’.

New Tablature & Event Cancellation

Carl Wagoner shared is arrangement of Battle Cry of Freedom. You can find it on the Tablature page, or directly by clicking here.

Edit: I corrected a bad link above.

Event Cancellation: The Gateway Dulcimer Music Festival in Fairview Heights, Illinois for 2020 has been rescheduled to 2021. The dates are August 5th to August 8th

Please contact any festival you plan to attend and make sure it hasn’t been cancelled.

Stay safe and well.